Dall/Fannin Sheep
Enjoy an adventure you won’t soon forget and earn a trophy that others are sure to envy.
Known for its old, heavy-based rams, the Blackstone area has excellent potential for harvesting the trophy of a lifetime. Mineral licks throughout the region help contribute to exceptional horn growth, producing several award-winning rams over the years. Our success rate on our sheep hunts has been in the 90 to 95% range from year to year.
We have a healthy population of both Dall and Fannin sheep, with a wide range of colouring. Some of the Fannins are quite dark, having the appearance of a genuine Stone sheep, a common trait in the Blackstone area. In the last few years, about 75% of the rams taken have been Fannin.
Responsible Sheep Hunting
We strive to take the oldest rams possible, whether they be heavy-based and broomed, or a long- and wide-flaring ram. Our average age over the years has been at the 10-year mark, with an average horn length of 37 inches. Whether this is your first sheep hunt, or you’re working on a collection, you can be assured we’ll do our best to get you a chance at a fantastic ram.
Sheep Hunt Dates
Our sheep hunts start August 1st. We run four 10-day sheep hunts. We rotate our hunting regions on a two- to four-year rotation, ensuring our hunters have a chance at seeing some good old rams.
Most hunters take a ram by day five or six, leaving time to hunt extra species if they so choose. On occasion, depending on hunters’ preferences and interest in optional game, especially grizzly bears, we have taken rams in late September and early to mid-October.