Alaska-Yukon Moose
Experience the thrill that comes with moose hunting in the Northern Yukon.
Vast tracts of superb moose country in the Blackstone area remain virtually untouched. A hunt with us offers the best opportunity in the North to obtain a record-book Alaska–Yukon moose, with mature bulls averaging 60” or better.
If watching your guide call a big bull in close doesn’t get your adrenaline going, nothing will!
Traditional Yukon Moose Hunts
Horseback Moose Hunting Trips
Our moose horseback hunts quite often venture into areas that are virtually unhunted. The horses have accessed some remarkable moose areas over the years. Often on these hunts, there is an additional possibility to take mountain caribou or a grizzly bear and sometimes wolves.
Floating Moose Hunting Trips
Float-trip hunts have become very popular over the years. The river systems in our area offer exceptional scenery and tremendous moose hunting. The moose travel from the high country down to the rivers to rut.